
"ABC - ENGINEERING - N" Ltd. has successfully built hundreds of sites in the field of public, industrial and residential construction. We have participated in the restoration of important cultural, religious sites and cultural monuments. Quality, fast deadlines and satisfied customers are our main priorities.
Cultural Momunents
Къщи за гости “Старото Бърдо” и “Къщата на Бърдото” – с. Жеравна Безистена - гр. Ямбол Църква село Саранско Църква гр. Елхово - преди
Building insulation
Rehabilitation of a residential building under the Energy Efficiency Program - Sliven, Yosif Strossmayer Str., Bl. 58 Rehabilitation of a residential building under the Energy Efficiency Program -
Public buildings, sites and residential construction
Обществени сгради и места и жилищно строителство Строителен хипермаркет АBC Пазарен комплекс - Връбница Кооперация ул. "Граф Игнатиев" - гр.